Einstein A Logo
Another interesting talk, this time from ex-student Marc Bowers. He works at Real Radio and like Jonny the previous week seems to really enjoy his job and the company he works for. Would be interesting to see any students who haven't found gainful employment and their struggle to find a job. How they would have changed things and what they would have done different.
The morning of Wednesday was filled with one of my favourite subjects: Logo Design. The lecture asked questions like instant recognition and what to look for in a logo and the theories behind the logo from an advertisers point of view. This is somehting that I look at all the time and was relishing the fact that the next assignment would be to design a logo. After an indepth but informative lecture we were told to design not only a logo for a company but a whole CD cover, inlay and centre for an album that actually does exist. We chose a title and next Wednesday we are listening to the music of said title which by all accounts is music for ears of a trained persuasion.
It's nice that that I have an assignent that combines both my love for design and my love for music and even though I have had chosen for me a title that sounds pretty and retro, I know that the design will have to be based on our own interpretation of the music. The one I have been assigned is 'Orphan Waves by Spyra'. Looking at some reviews on the internet I am interested to hear what one reviewer describes as "Bleeps and static give way to a slow relaxed rhythm and little delicate melody that you can just lay back and luxuriate in,"
when I listen to music I listen to the lyrics over anything else and I am hoping that this piece will contain some throughout its length. These would at least give some clues to how the cover would look. I have a book already that may be useful, '100 Best Selling Albums of the 80's'. Looking at albums nowadays the designs haven't changed that much and very rarely relate to the title.
This week I am cutting out logos from magazines for ideas, (something I have always fancied doing but never had a good enough excuse other than being sad). I am also taking my sketchbook to work to jot some ideas down for the 'Ambient World' logo until I get my piece of music to either inspire me or destroy my music system.
Some good logo sites to give you inspiration. This one has all the most famous ones and an explanation on how it came to be. (don’ t you just love a good back-story)
Here is a massive A-Z of just about every famous major corporate logo, you can also download some in vector format.
Finally my favourite explanation and please tell me if you already knew as I didn’t, and think the idea is brilliant. It’s good old amazon, and guess what? The orange arrow or ‘smile’ underneath is actually pointing from ‘a-z’. Ingeniously clever and well hidden meaning? Or have I just been thick missing the message?

I never noticed that either!
God, just shows how things right under your nose can be well hidden.
I think your right it would be very worth while talking with people who haven�t managed to find a job yet, but I suppose there aren�t too many people knocking down Steve�s door to talk about how there struggling.
�And no I never noticed the A-Z in Amazon, it just shows how you just see a logo you recognise without really looking at it in any detail.
I'm a thickie - I never saw it. I need to add that to the lecture! Any idea how the name 'Amazon' came about?
Nice blog title too. It'll be lost on most of the young pups in the group though! Interesting point about the less successful graduates. I'm not sure if you got chance to speak to Ben when we went down to London, but he's in that category. I believe he's applying to university this year in the absence to job opportunities. There's a link to his portfolio on the HND site.
Jeffrey Bezos chose the domain name Amazon.com because at the time, Yahoo.com listed their search results in alphabetical order; therefore, Amazon would be at or near the top of the search results.
He was Greek and the Amazonian warriors lived North of Greece so maybe theres something in that but basically he just thought it up.
Task: Find another logo like Amazon and Sun Systems that also has a design element relevant to the company that we never noticed before.
Bears more than a passing resemblance to one of the websites you cited.
I just noticed that as I was cuttuing it out yesterday and sticking it in my sketchbook. (Amazon) it is really weird to look at a logo for ages and then for it to just 'click'. Made me smile (sorry bad joke).
As for music I tend to focus more on the lyrics. Don't exactly know how many songs of these have lyrics though...
Doesn't that just prove Steves point that he made in the lecture. If none of us realised that it was an arrow from A-Z is there anypoint in it, meaning wise? Well Yeah, Because now we all know, do we not feel clever, we can now show off, and annoy or interest people who do not know any of the meanings behind famous logo designs.
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