Honey Pie
What I thought was going to be a run of the mill talk on Wednesday from Jonny Haynes turned out to be very interesting and very informative, he really knows his stuff and looks like he is doing well for himself, so much so that I emailed to tell him. It did help that he was an interesting guy and certainly had the patter for talking. His use and knowledge of CSS seems to be the foundation that I need to build on.
This assignment deadline has really crept up on us and it has been one of the most enjoyable so far. With doing websites beforehand I was able to use my study time for learning about different things, in particular CSS. The involvement of CSS in this project has led to a few messes up with coding and things happening and not knowing the answers to.
The main outcome has given me a new willingness to learn something that I know nothing about and I'm looking forward to it. I know there are quite a few in the group who also didn't know anything about CSS and they have really come into their own on this project to the point where they are showing the stalemate CSS gurus how to do it. I must admit I was impressed by this and couldn't believe what I was seeing.
I finally got my feedback forms back from every single person, even though it was a bit late in the day. The outcome of that was very very positive for me and gave me the impression that there wasn't much to change. One thing that I had thought about was the use of green for the jargon bar and the same green for one of the categories, this was picked up by an unexpected source and prompted me to change it. There have been some minor changes from the feedback I received but on the whole I am happy and my only problem now is to put this information into chart form which I had not planned on. My questions were mainly made up of yes and no answers and self opinion. Seeing as how all the answers were yes the pie charts would be 100% each which in effect is just a circle.

The 5pm deadline is a good thing, and I'm glad for it. I'm still going to have mine done for the night before, but now I feel more confident to go in and spend a couple of hours proofreading it in college.
I had quite a few problems with CSS with this project too and it is something that I definitely need to improve on in the future! I think it is all about learning from your mistakes though and I am beginning to understand why certain things don't work instead of panicking!
The extended word count is interesting, I have written mine and I went over the word count, I then had to spoend time cutting out things, not knowing we were allowed over! Oh well..I also believe the 5pm deadline is good, I'm pretty much done but there is some tweeking I could do, and the deadline allows me to get finishing touches together
I could have gone on forever with no word count but I tried to imagine that the word count was strict so I have just gone over after a bit of editing.
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