Formative Statement 2
As a follow on to my formative statement, this is an update on my progress so far on the HNC course.
When I started the course in September I thought that it would be plain sailing and I would find the whole thing relatively easy. I was wrong.
The detail that goes into an assignment is like nothing I have ever done before. I myself have a need for the detailed things in life but the attention that has to be maintained throughout the two assignments so far has been immense. I wonder if my fellow peers have the same problem or if they are used to it with doing these kinds of courses before.
Learning has always been a great love of my life especially when it is something I enjoy and I do enjoy the course because it is a challenge in more ways than one. In 3 months I have learnt lots of things I didn’t know about before so I imagine the things I will learn after 2 years will certainly help me later on in life. It is crucial that I complete this course and get good grades as it is my last chance to do something for a living that I enjoy. Retraining at my stage of life not only gets harder but the chances of gaining employment also decreases. I feel I have the skills, as I stated in my earlier Formative Statement but they just need to be nurtured and developed.
On top of this I have met a new group of people who I can call friends that will drop everything to help out each other which you rarely find in this competitive industry. I have got to know them well, not just in the class environment but also their inner thoughts from reading their blogs. It is like being given permission to read someone’s mind and even be able to comment on it. The blog allows you to gain insight into someone’s persona without having to talk to them that much.
I enjoy working with Drew who is on the same section of the course as me as we have very similar ideas but from different eras. What he thinks is retro was modern when I was his age. Funny how things are viewed 20 years on. I am also looking forward to working with Chris who is joining our small feedback group.
I have to admit that I find the note taking quite laborious at times but you never know when you are going to need parts of it so writing everything down sort of covers your back. The references in the assignment are another thing that can make or break a time plan if they are not thought about correctly. Sequential numbering per page would be far better than sequential throughout as this would enable you to add and change sections without the need to renumber the whole lot. This alone did stop me a few times altering parts that I thought could be improved upon but to add one paragraph would have meant nearly 20 minutes of renumbering.
Niggles aside I am looking forward to starting again and getting down to some serious design and creation. I hope that things will be explained in full all the way through this time. A couple of times I have felt like a high diver who has jumped off the diving board only to be told at the last minute that I am diving into the shallow end.
Everyone was told that on Thursday.

"Sequential numbering per page would be far better than sequential throughout as this would enable you to add and change sections without the need to renumber the whole lot. This alone did stop me a few times altering parts that I thought could be improved upon but to add one paragraph would have meant nearly 20 minutes of renumbering."
Are you using a page layout program like InDesign to write your assignments? Use Word for writing - it's a word processor after all - and the numbering of references etc will change automatically.
I've seen so many student assignments done in apps like QuarkXpress that are not as good as they can be because you end up writing to suit the tool, and not using the correct tool for the job.
Thanks for your comment Johnathan.
However the stipulation was that it HAD to be done in Pagemaker. The reference boxes are individual text boxes (a disadvantage with this programme) so as far as I can see there is no way around it. I used to be a Quarky and could do the assignment in a Microsoft product but I have to adhere to the tutors wishes.
I'll say now: I've been in education non-stop for 14 years now and I've never been on a course that is so challenging. You just don't get this level of commitment from the tutors on any other course I've seen before. Even at the "prestigious" A Levels.
This is completely on another level from anything I've ever had a crack at. So you're not alone when you're finding it tough.
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