Please Put A Penny in the Old Mans Hat
A few last minute adjustments were called for before handing in the assignment on the deadline. A friend of mine read through it and found a few grammatical errors that I had been oblivious to after reading through it so many times. Even pulling up in the car park I proceeded to give it one final check only to find out that things were just slightly out of order to brief. Phew, all done.

You could sense the sigh of relief among my peers on Thursday. Personalities seemed to change and there was an air of freedom about them which made for a good afternoon of Christmas celebration and personal achievement.
I have met a new circle of friends that I get on well with and feel I can ask them for advice and feel they trust me enough to ask for mine.
What started out a rushed enrolment, it seemed I didn't have time to catch my breath at first and thought a few times that I had made a mistake. I can say that now as I am now 100% sure that I have not made a mistake and still thoroughly enjoy it enough to make it through future semesters.
I have aimed for a merit at least on this assignment as my referral from last time gave me a kick up the backside, I have put in extra effort and managed my time more efficiently, this alone won't warrant a merit or a distinction but can say I did the best that I could with the allocated time and the word count, along with my limited knowledge at this stage, I can only hope I achieve this. Word count was again higher than I needed but I find it's better to take more notes and edit rather than not enough and have to do more research.
I was disturbed to find that when filling out my merit and distinction criteria sheet and asking others for advice that there were some that said they were not bothering and seem to have given up trying to get a better grade. It is so frustrating to see this so early on in the course when there is so much time to improve.
Imagine if Captain Cooke had given up after his first voyage, we wouldn't have Kylie, Neighbours or Dame Edna Everage. Now I know that may be a good thing but what I'm trying to say, (and you know who you are) 'never give up', 'never submit, 'don't just muddle by', 'no retreat, no surrender' etc, etc. I have seen elements of your assignments and you have fulfilled at least 2 of the criteria for merits. I could understand if you were not up to the job, but it is evidently clear that you certainly are, you just need the confidence to know that you are.
Now I have got that off my chest I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Goodwill to all men and not forgetting Gemma.
Heres my way of saving a tree.
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