Final Logo
I finally finished my logo for the Ambient World record label. This is the finished version after playing around changing colours and fonts. It has also been measured accurately so everything has a place and is surrounded by a white box when appearing on any other colour but white.
It has a 4:3 ratio as the design would have changed dramatically had it been 2:1 or 1:1. I am hoping that I can get some further comments, especially from the people who opted for one of my other designs. I went with my gut about what the image of the record label should try to portray. I think the colours say 'ambient' while there is an element of 'world' in there. All the while looking like it could belong to a company that produces and sells music of that genre.

I don't know how other people have found working with Freehand but this job alone has taken quite a bit of time as I have had the added task of learning Freehand. I have never used a drawing programme and thinking it would be just like Photoshop was far from the mark.
I kept in mind that among the learning outcomes was to use a Drawing Application effectively. I was hoping that I would have grasped enough knowledge to have a go at creating my CD cover in this application but with the deadline approaching I feel I won't have the time to spend using this programme to it's full potential as I can see from the sample files that it is a very powerful tool indeed.
It is a shame that we can't explore these types of programmes more when there isn't a deadline looming over our heads. I have just touched the surface of Freehand and would like to delve a little deeper when time and workload isn't against me.
I agree with you on your logo, I can see what it represent's, and it's got an attractivness and quality feel to it also.
I understand about what you are saying about freehand too, I had never used an application like that before, and this bieng the first time it was fairly tough at first, as I didn't want to be playing around all the time with it trying to get a feel for the software, when I had a piece of work to produce.
I know what you�re saying about new software. I hadn�t used Photoshop, Pagemaker, Dreamweaver, Freehand or converted to PDF before this course started, it is a good feeling looking back knowing I can use each of these software packages to create a finished product. Even though I still feel I only know the basics.
Your logo looks very professional and the blue colours suit the ambient style. The only concern I would have would be the word "world" disappearing into the background once scaled down but the font you have chosen seems bold enough to cope with this.
I understand completely where you're coming from with the FreeHand argument Dean, but Rome wasn't built in a day. The approach I've tried to take is just to use it as much as possible and where I can.
I think I've showed enough though to pass that specific learning outcome, and I think you have with that logo too.
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