Assignment Timeplanning Solved?
I know it's a bit late for this assignment but after my talk with John the other week I decided to do something about my forward time planning. Discussions in the class to design something that would suffice everyone seemed to break down early on and no definite decision was made.
I hope I have come up with a forward planning sheet for the whole of an assignment to suit both HNC and HND's planning. The sample forms below are based on an 8 week assignment but can be adapted at the beginning to suit any length, be it 4 weeks or 10 weeks.
Please have a look at them and tell me if they would work for you.
These would then go alongside the sheets that are already provided that work well for week by week planning. I have thought about this quite a bit and the forward planning has always seemed to be my downfall when the grades are handed out.

PDF Versions can be downloaded for you to print out better quality here.
On another subject, I am a member of where you fill out questionnaires about all subjects and get rewarded with amazon vouchers. The one last week was called 'how creative are you?' so thought it would be just up my street. Upon completing it I was amazed to find I was in the top 1% of the highly creative population.
It made me slightly proud on the day and was a little boost to the ego for at least 4 minutes.

I quite like the kind of list idea, so I think it might be very useful for me. I'm still printing off google calender templates to do master timeplans, and although it's working for me I'm always susceptible to the fact that there may be a better way of doing it.
I always new you were creative Dean, at least with your excuses.
Thanks for the comments, I tried a few different fonts and in the end I felt this was the best one, thanks for the help.
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